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Friday, July 22, 2011

FBX-T transportable X-Band radar in Israel Negev Desert

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نظام راداري متطور
للإنذار المبكر نصبه الجيش الأمريكي في صحراء النقب
تحت سيادة أمريكية تامة حسب أراء المسؤلين و الخبراء
Middle East Under Surveillance also through the Russian Depth
THAAD :: Terminal High-Altitude Area Defence

  • The FBX-T is a high-power, transportable X-Band radar designed to detect, track and discriminate ballistic missile threats early in flight, maximizing the capability of the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) to identify, assess and engage threats to the U.S., deployed forces and allies.

Raytheon IDS, which was awarded a BMDS radar contract by the MDA in April 2003

  • The United States Deployed FBX-T Radar at 2008 in Israel which would allow Israel approximately five minutes of additional warning time to shoot down Iranian missiles
  • يتيح "لإسرائيل" تحديد اتجاه وسرعة انطلاق الصاروخ ونقل تلك المعطيات لنظام "حيتس" الصاروخي. وحسب رواية كيان العدو،فإن "النظام قادر على سبيل المثال على رصد صاروخ شهاب3 الإيراني بعد 5.5 دقيقة من إطلاقه، وبكلمات أخرى إذا كانت مدة التحليق لصاروخ شهاب 3 منذ انطلاقه وحتى الوصول إلى هدفه 11 دقيقة، فإن النظام الجديد يرصد الصاروخ قبل 5 دقائق من وصوله"
  • تم نقله من خلال جسرا جويا مكونا من 14 طائرة شحن كبيرة لنقل نظام الرادار ومرفقاته إلى جانب طاقم تابع لقيادة أوروبا في الجيش الأمريكي مكونا من 120 ضابطا وجنديا سيشغلون النظام الجديد الذي سيكون مرتبطا بالأقمار الصناعية وبأحد أنظمة الرادار الأمريكية في أوروبا. وسيكون النظام بمثابة قاعدة أمريكية مغلقة ومحاطة بجدران داخل القاعدة العسكرية الإسرائيلية "ناباطيم" (صحراء النقب) والتي أصبحت القاعدة الرئيسية لسلاح الجو الإسرائيلي، ويمنع على الإسرائيليين دخولها. وقد أثار الاتفاق الذي وقع في شهر يوليو/ تموز الماضي بين كيان العدو والولايات المتحدة والذي يمنع الإسرائيليين من أخذ دور في تشغيل نظام الرادار.
مشاركات إسرائيل Israel participant

1. Israel will have no denied direct access to the data gathered by the system and can only hope the American operators will pass on the information as and when Israel needs it for self-defense rather than when it suits US interests.

2. The FBX-T will not only be able to track Iranian and Syrian missiles and aircraft but also keep watch on Israeli operations, giving the Washington a handle for stalling them.
Other opinion
رأي أخر
الرادار اكس باند يعمل على تغطية مساحه قطرها 5 الاف كيلومتر يعني يغطي منطقة الشرق الاوسط بكاملها ويستطيع رصد هدف بحجم الكورة البيسبول على مسافة 4700 كيلومتر
لكن أبعد
نقطة في اقصى شرق ايران لا تتجاوز 2440 كلم مع العلم ان 4700 كلم تغطي العمق الجغرافي الروسي ايضا هذا لا يستثني استهداف ايران من خلال نظام X-band FBX-T radar
لكن الخطوة دي مؤشر خطير جدا الظاهر امريكا عاوزة تامن ظهر اسرائيل قبل ما تقوم بعمل ما
3. US experts say the FBX-T radar will lengthen the Israeli Arrow anti-missile system’s range for detecting incoming Iranian missiles several times over. This is technically accurate, but in practice this enhanced capability is entirely contingent on a Pentagon order to the American crews in the Negev to activate a link between them.

4. Barak and Ashkenazi said on their return from Washington that they had procured US consent to links between Israel’s early warning and missile interceptor systems, the X-band radar (which can pick up a missile 2,000 km from target) and also the American JTAGS satellites (which detects a missile launch).
  • يتم ربط نظام FBX-T مع نظام الدرع الصاروخي العامل عن طريق القمر الصناعي عن طريق قاعدة أمريكية تتواجد في أوروبا تعمل على نظام يدعى "JTAGS- U.S. Joint Tactical Ground Station". وتلتقط في القاعدة الأمريكية في أوروبا الإشارات من أجهزة الإنذار العاملة على الأقمار الصناعية الأمريكية وترصد بدقة عملية إطلاق صواريخ وتتابع مسارها، وتنقلها في الزمن الحقيقي لرادارات الإنذار الأمريكية المتواجدة في النقب.

View more documents from Hossam Zein.

מערכת מכ"ם התרעה משוכלל של מארב על ידי הצבא האמריקאי בנגב בריבונות מלאה על ידי גורמים רשמיים בארה"ב וחוות דעת מומחים
המזרח התיכון תחת מעקב גם באמצעות עומק הרוסי


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Army Stealth for Combat Vehicles

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Black FoxBlack Fox: Thermal Stealth Suite for Combat Vehicles

Thermal stealth technology being developed by the Israeli company Eltics promises to render military vehicles, combat helicopters and even entire naval surface ships invisible to thermal imaging surveillance sensors, targeting systems or missile seekers employing thermal sensors. The patented system, dubbed 'Black Fox' is designed to be applied as an add-on layer, on top of existing armor, or be embedded into the outer layer, comprising one layer in the 'onion ring' defensive concept of modern platforms.

'Black Fox' is an Active, Adaptive Multi-Spectral Stealth technology applicable to land, airborne and naval vessels.
The concept has been in development since 2006 and was recently demonstrated in field experiments, demonstrating the ability to effectively blend parts of the platform into the background, while on the move.

The active stealth suite can be applied to totally conceal a large object, like a relocatable, forward command post, requiring stealth, in order to conceal the entire platform from overhead observation and targeting.

When applied on combat vehicles, the 'Black Fox' is designed to cover almost the entire platform, gaining the advantage of full stealth concealment from all sides, including top view.
Yet, according to Ronen Meir, Eltics CEO, wrapping the entire vehicle is not mandatory - even partial application will also significantly gain in reducing the probability of detection at long and medium ranges.

The principle of ' Black Fox' operation is based, in part on patents claimed by the company. The system employs two panoramic cameras scanning the surroundings through a 360 degrees hemisphere around the protected vehicle. Image processing and control electronics are used to sense and match the background scene, creating a deceptive image for display, on multiple active-mounted panels, on the protected platform. The image mimics the background signature, creating a stealth illusion, by realistically representing the surrounding 'noise' clutter and distinctive texture, thus effectively blending into the background.

eltics black fox

Above: A thermal view of a vehicle applied with a'Black Fox' panel concealing the back seat. The vehicle is clearly seen, with the back seat windows eliminated from view.

Below: Each active panel comprises multiple 'pixels', each individually controlled by a digital signal processor (DSP), manipulating and regulating each pixel's temperature in the 3-5 and 8-12 micron spectral range. The panels can be placed anywhere on the vehicle, including hot areas like engine exhaust, or the gun barrel, where they maintain their active-adaptive performance, despite extreme thermal load. Photo: Eltics


The cameras are continuously scanning the surrounding area, aligned with the horizon on a pan-tilt assembly (PTZ), to efficiently render the correct image when the vehicle is moving, exposed over the skyline, or against changing backgrounds.

These cameras also perform periodical measurement of the protected platform, gaining critical feedback, monitoring effectiveness of the concealment it is providing. Another utility supported by the 'Black Fox' is the ability to trigger thermal signaling on demand. The active panels can be programmed to display a coded number or pattern, operating as a Combat IDentification (CID) system, triggered by the crew, with a laser beam or interrogator friend/foe (IFF) system. When the vehicle is on the move, the active panels display a changing image or pattern, maintaining an optimal concealment in every direction – frontal, sideways and top views, hiding the platform from prowling thermal eyes of satellites, UAVs, low flying helicopters or ground observations.

In addition to its capability to 'blend into the background', applying the signature of a nearby building, an orchard or a bush, 'Black Fox' can also mimic other shapes and signatures. For example, a system 'worn' by an M-1 tank can render the American tank to look like a Russian T-72, or 'downsize' the tank signature to clone as an M-113 APC, or even a non military pickup truck. The system can also enable the crew to manually 'copy and paste' background features and display them on their 'Black Fox' suite, to refine the stealth effect. The complete process is performed automatically and rapidly, enabling the crew to enter into a 'stealth mode' by the push of a single button. With such capabilities, the 'Black Fox' could become an important asset in the military's ability to deny enemy use of automatic target recognition systems, by eliminating distinguishable details of potential objectives. Such capabilities could also be utilized for training, employing the system on smaller surrogate vehicles, designed to perform as larger combat vehicles.

According to Ronen Meir, the company has already demonstrated a working prototype of the 'Black Fox' in the field and is ready to proceed into system engineering, toward full-scale development, in cooperation with other Israeli defense industries.
The company plans to develop a 'stealth' suite for combat vehicles, to be applied as an outer add-on system or embedded into reactive or hybrid armor skin. He told Defense-Update that the company is also exploring possible airborne applications for helicopters and has already been approached by several foreign organizations over potential 'Black Fox' naval applications.

black fox

Concealing naval vessels could offer dramatic advantages for navies, particularly those operating in the littorals, where the maneuverability is limited in the off-shore area, but the proximity of coastal features enable concealment and stealth with the new system. For example, large military vessels can reduce their signature and assume the profile of non-combatant vessels, such as a supply ship, or merchant vessel. When employed with electro-magnetic (radar) stealth methods, the system can be activated, before an attacking anti-ship missile initiates its terminal guidance phase, utilizing thermal sensors. Eventually, the target can 'disappear' from the missile's sight, when entering a 'stealth' mode, with or without the use of flares.

Active Stealth and reactive technologies
'Invisible Reactive Armor Protection' (IRAP).



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