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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Electronic Harassment

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Advanced Electronic Security Co. performs Electronic Sweeping and Surveys, using the best possible Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM), to determine if you're being electronically harassed. We then proscribe the proper course of action to eliminate the electronic harassment threat.

What is Electronic Harassment?

If someone uses any electronic device to aid them in invading your person or property for the purpose of gathering information illegally, or for the purpose of causing harm, this is Electronic Harassment.
Electronic Harassment comes in many forms and types. We'll try to explain what they are and what to do about them below.
  • Electronic Surveillance
    Electronic Surveillance is the imposed observation of a person's belongings, person or surroundings through the use of electronic listening devices, video recording or transmitting devices, spectral imaging through heat or infrared, sound or other radiation sources, and any other means of observing a person's actions, possessions or routines. Not all forms of surveillance use electronic devices and not all forms of surveillance are illegal or considered harassment. Simply observing someone using ones eyes is certainly also considered surveillance and is not illegal in and of itself. Surveillance has become quite advanced and will become more pervasive as our society progresses in technology. Micro recorders, covert hidden video cameras (such as pinhole cameras), ultra tiny microphones, micro transmitters, and other bugging devices are easy to get by anyone at spy novelty shops and online stores. For more on this subject, see Eavesdropping Threats for covert hidden camera pictures with additional information, and Electronic Surveillance page.
  • Electronic Sabotage/Interference (Jamming)
    Electronic sabotage or interference is any sabotage that is intentionally configuring personal property to either be destroyed or malfunction. Any intentional interference such as electronic noise generators, sound generators, light generators, spark gap disrupters, or any other form of EMI (electromagnetic interference) which either destroys, disrupts, causes malfunction or loss of resources is deemed to be electronic harassment.
  • Directed Harmful High Energy Devices
    This is the most dangerous form of electronic harassment and is quite easy to implement against a person. Directed harmful high energy microwave devices and weapons can include such devices and equipment that are easily available almost anywhere in the World where there are people. Microwave ovens can be modified to focus and direct up to 1200 watts or more, depending on the model, of microwave energy at a person or property and are easy to produce. The results of an attack by a high energy device can be lethal, they can kill or at the least disable a human being or other animals. Attacks from high energy microwave weapons leave blisters, cause internal bruising and/or bleeding, stimulate cancer, cause cataracts, encourage tumors to grow, generate boils, or leave red patches on the skin. Directed Harmful High Energy Weapons will have effective ranges from the point of contact to several hundred yards. Directed Harmful High Energy Weapons can be used to destroy electronic devices and cause severe interference in computers and alarm systems which can allow forced entry or destruction of vital data. Radar guns are available from surplus stores most anywhere and can be obtained from ex-military sources or even police departments. Radar gun power outputs range from a two or three watts to 3 Megawatts! Portable radar guns range in size from small hand held devices to vehicle mounted long range high power models. These devices have very long ranges due to their greater power, higher frequencies and shorter wavelength. Radar guns emit long or short pulses of high energy capable of causing instant damage or death to living creatures. Semiconductor destruction or malfunction, brain damage & stopping vehicles are other uses for these devices. Other forms of directed harmful high energy include devices such as tasers, klystron guns (radar guns), ion beam guns, plasma pulse guns, soliton bombs, and many more devices.

    Directional Microwave EMP Rifle (PARTIAL KIT) Partial kit (shown above). This partial kit will include a 50,000W (yes it says 50KW) Watt X-band military microwave magnetron with complete spec sheets from two manufacturers and operational information to make it work (about 30 pages), EMP rifle plans (over 49 pages), and qty:3 (12KV @ 1A) rectifiers. A device such as this can be made the size of a super soaker water gun, it operates at 9.2GHz and with a properly tuned horn antenna will have an effective range of over 300 yards (possibly more with larger antenna). Such a device could possibly cause semiconductors to burn out, microprocessors to malfunction, inductors to counter induce and create CEMF, induce RF noise, cause ionization of air or gases, cause junction rectification and erase computer data on hard drives, disk and solid state device. Operating such a device may be in violation of State or Federal Laws, consult your Local authority before operating such a device. UPS GROUND SHIPPING ONLY DUE TO INTENSE MAGNETIC FIELD FROM MAGNETRON. Do not purchase this kit if it is illegal to own or operate in your area. (This kit is real and available on the internet. The above photo and description was taken directly from an internet website, but we will not tell you where to find it!)

    Active Denial Weapon
    Directed energy weapon for "Active Denial" is now being deployed by the military.
  • Voice/Data/Image induction
    This form of electronic harassment causes an individual to think they are loosing their mind or that they have a mental illness. There are 3 known methods of imposing VDI induction.
  • Mircrowave transmitter is hidden in this church towerMicrowave Carrier ULF-UHF Induction Method. This method utilizes a modulated microwave signal with either an audio, video, or other form of signal or even data may be used. The microwave energy with the VDI (Voice/Data/Image) carrier signal is then directed to the target area or individual. The reaction to this modulated microwave energy from one individual to another will usually be slightly different making it very difficult to diagnose as electronic harassment. The Voice/Data/Image induction form of harassment causes victims to hear voices in their heads or see random images or lights. Similar technology was developed to enable communication between humans and dolphins or even was purported to be used by secret agencies for the purposes of mind reading and control. A device known as the wireless neurophone has been patented along with other such devices that perform similar functions. A microwave carrier ULF-UHF induction device can be placed at a targets location and operated and monitored remotely. Transmission locations can be concealed in the same ways that cell telephone transmission sites so that they cannot be identified easily. See Stealth for some examples of the way cell antennas can be hidden in plain sight.
  • Direct Contact Induction Method. This method requires direct skin contact of the subject. Voice/Data/Image induction (VDI) is induced through the skin, using the natural ability of the skin to conduct energy. The DCI method uses a simple high voltage D.C. carrier, which is modulated with the VDI signal and is coupled to the subject body using capacitive skin pads. The contacts need to contact any part of the skin anywhere on the body. The signal is received and interpreted by the nerves below the skin surface and sent to the brain which processes the information signals, causing the images or sounds or data to appear to the target without the actual use of their eyes or ears. A similar device is also known as the neurophone. There are many patents for similar devices. Evidence of unauthorized use on someone is two or more circular red marks on the skin or two or more blisters.
  • Magnetic Pulse Induction Method. The neurons within the nerves and human brain are very sensitive to magnetic fields. The MPI method uses an induction coil to induce a low to medium magnetic field in and around the brain causing the neurons to misroute, slow down or revert. This form of electronic VDI harassment is often diagnosed as EMI (electromagnetic interference) sensitivity, which is similar to someone getting headaches from prolonged usage of cellular phones or nausea from being around power lines for extended periods of time. Magnetic Pulse Induction Method may be employed by using a device implanted within the targets home or surroundings and can be operated remotely.
  • Radiation
    Radiation is a very common form of harassment. A potential harasser can easily buy an old x-ray gun from a surplus dealer and with only slight modifications use it to bombard a target with deadly amounts of x-ray radiation. Radiation devices can be battery powered and used for long periods of time. High exposure to x-ray radiation will cause tumors, brain disorders, mental illness, tremors, headaches, cataracts, seizures or even death. Radiation harassment is usually done over long periods of time, ranging from days to years, in order to induce harm. Radiation harassers can also get various radioactive materials such as thorium nitrate, plutonium oxide, uranium nitrate, and uranyl nitrite. Using radioactive materials a harasser can cause a terrible and agonizing death.
  • Implants
    Implants are without a doubt the most invasive form of harassment. Electronic implants consist of transmitters, ESF generators, micro-neurophonic transceivers, tracking devices and other micro sized devices designed to cause harassment by tracking or controlling movement and thought. The most common implant was designed many years ago and is still used to this day. It consists of a unit that is powered by bodily fluids and is capable of transmitting voice signals, high voltage pulses, emitting a small tracking beacon signal, or other unspecified uses (mind control).


      Newest version of a biochip implant. For more information about this chip go to

    Millions may be carrying microchips in their bodies worldwide. The Safe Medical Devices Act, which became a law in 1990, requires USA manufacturers of implants and medical devices, to adopt a method for identifying and tracking their products permanently implanted in humans, and to keep track of the recipients, in case malfunctions arise. Breast implants, pacemakers, replacement heart valves and prosthetic devices implanted in millions worldwide are all to be tracked. And one of the methods used to track these devices is implanting microchips which store data about the manufacturer, the surgeon, the date of implant, etc.
  • Laser Harassment Devices

    The use of simple, easy to procure lasers to harass or "Dazzle" a subject is becoming more prevalent. Subjects of this type of harassment have reported seeing "little red dots" on their curtains, through their windows or on themselves. There have been numerous reports of people being momentarily blinded by red lights (red lasers) while they were driving in their cars. Some of these incidents have resulted in traffic accidents, although no permanent blindness has yet to be reported as a result of being "spotted".

    Laser Scope
    Laser gun sight, zoom rifle scope, 3-axis adjustable tripod head
    The parts that make this device can be purchased at any gun store
    and the tripod is a standard issue camera tripod.

    Laser golf scope
    Hand-held unit with laser gun sight and golf scope

United States Patent 5,629,678
Gargano , et al. May 13, 1997

Personal tracking and recovery system

Apparatus for tracking and recovering humans utilizes an implantable transceiver incorporating a power supply and actuation system allowing the unit to remain implanted and functional for years without maintenance. The implanted transmitter may be remotely actuated, or actuated by the implantee. Power for the remote-activated receiver is generated electromechanically through the movement of body muscle. The device is small enough to be implanted in a child, facilitating use as a safeguard against kidnapping, and has a transmission range which also makes it suitable for wilderness sporting activities. A novel biological monitoring feature allows the device to be used to facilitate prompt medical dispatch in the event of heart attack or similar medical emergency. A novel sensation-feedback feature allows the implantee to control and actuate the device with certainty.
Read The Complete Patent Information

This is one of 66 low-earth orbiting (LEO) satellites comprising the Iridium satellite system. The original company went bankrupt so the US Department of Defense assisted in making sure the system stayed in operation. The system is currently maintained by the Boeing Company.
This is a diagram of the planetary coverage of the Iridum system. This system has transmit and receive coverage of the entire planet. Each circle is a coverage sector.

Of course there are many other forms of electronic harassment not mentioned here, but the most common forms of electronic harassment that you may likely encounter have been covered. Please read Microwave Detection - Remote Mind Control Technology for more on this subject.

Symptoms of Electronic Radiation Exposure

Symptoms may include but are not limited to: Headache, eye irritation, dizziness, nausea, skin rash, facial swelling, weakness, fatigue, pain in joints and/or muscles, buzzing/ringing in ears, skin numbness, abdominal pressure and pain, breathing difficulty, irregular heartbeat, sexual stimulation and hearing voices (see Patent #4,858,612). Additional symptoms have been reported in some individuals such as paralysis, balance problems, body and/or muscle spasms, convulsions, confusion,depression, difficulty in concentrating, seizure, sleep disturbances, and memory difficulties.

What Can Be Done To Protect Against Electronic Harassment?

In a legal sense, there isn't too much that can be done. You could change your venue, relocate or move to avoid the harasser but this isn't usually a practical method for a variety of reasons.
For starters, the best thing to do is give us a call from a secure phone. We will conduct a sweep of the suspect areas to locate the source of the suspected harassment and then assist in a course of action to stop the harassment.
Natural obstacles are cheap and effective in blocking most X-rays and microwave or RF (could be a radar gun) signals that a harasser might use. Mountains, caves, desert areas, and large lakes or oceans offer excellent protection and can block or distort most forms of electronic harassment.
Shielding signals with Passive or Active shielding can be an effective measure.
If harassment is general to an area and not specifically directed to you, simply moving to another location is the easiest method to stop the harassment. If the harassment is specific to you, then you'll need to employ some sort of shield or cover, such as mountains or a cave. Shielding may be your only alternative to stop the harassment if you cannot employ natural obstacles or shields. Passive shielding is less expensive then Active shielding and consists of special metal materials designed to block high frequency RF energy, X-rays, etc. Active shielding uses sophisticated electronic equipment to jam, capture, redirect, distort or nullify the harmful energy.
It isn't legal for a private individual, a company or a corporation to use electronic harassment on you. The military and law enforcement, however, can use non-lethal weapons (see USC Title 50 Chapter 32 Section 1520a).
Further, testing of electronic equipment; discovering unauthorized electronic surveillance; training of intelligence personnel by officers the United States is allowed.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, officers, employees, or agents of the United States are authorized in the normal course of their official duties to conduct electronic surveillance not targeted against the communications of any particular person or persons, under procedures approved by the Attorney General.
Brain Tap Developments

10 Tools to Protect Computer from Infected USB Flash Drives

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We use it on regular basis; it conveniently helps us to transfer files from desktop to/from laptops or even share its content with our peers. It makes life easier. But wait, have you overlooked its threat to our computer?
If the USB flash drive is infected with virus, not only you may lose the data in the storage, you are also affecting the security of every computer once it’s plugged in. The following post features a list of 10 tools to protect your computer against any infected USD flash drives.
tools to protect from infected usb flash drives
Prevention is better than cure, and it’s never too old for that saying. Full list after jump.
Note: It’s strongly not recommended to install multiple tools in the same computer for various critical reasons, just try and get what really suits your needs!

USB Disk Security

USB Disk Security provides protection against any malicious program trying to attack via USB flash drive. It delivers high level of protection against theft and accidental disclosure of confidential data, and prevents unauthorized person from stealing your data.
USB Disk Security

USB Threat Defender

USB Threat Defender is not just another autorun.inf virus remover, it takes more than that to provide maximum protection guarantee. Its new protection level detects viruses missed by the best antivirus software, and provides maximum protection against any threat that tries to attack a system via any USB storage device.
USB Threat Defender

McAfee VirusScan USB

Proven antivirus security for your USB drive. Automated, daily antivirus updates install silently in the background, ensuring your USB drive is always protected from evolving and emerging virus threats. The software does not provide trial version, but considered it’s the famous brand McAfee, it’s probably worth your consideration! And did I mention 30-day money back guarantee?
McAfee VirusScan USB

USB immunizer

The Immunize option allows you to immunize your USB storage device or SD card against infections with autorun-based malware. Even if your storage device has been plugged into an infected computer, the malware will be unable to create its autorun.inf file, thus annihilating any chance of auto-launching itself.
USB immunizer

Panda USB Vaccine

Panda USB Vaccine can be used on individual USB flash drives to disable its autorun.inf file in order to prevent malware infections. When applied on a USB drive, the vaccine permanently blocks the malicious autorun.inf file, preventing it from being read, created, deleted or modified.
Panda USB Vaccine

Ninja Pendisk

Ninja is the popular and free program designed for guarding computers against viruses transmitted by USB pendisks. This ninja waits quietly in the system tray until an USB pendisk is plugged into the computer, which it will be examined to uncover the commonly malicious or virulent files known as autorun.inf and ctfmon.exe amongst many others.
Ninja Pendisk

USB Guardian

USB Guardian allows you to safely enjoy file sharing with USB thumb drive. Movies, MP3s, documents and pictures can be copied from one computer to another without worrying of getting infected by worms and viruses trough USB drive.
USB Guardian

Autorun Protector

Autorun Protector is a two-way protection standalone software that prevents your PC from infection by autorun worms and also protects your removable device from being infected from other sources. Hence, it decreases the spread of the virulent worms.
Autorun Protector

Autorun Virus Remover

Autorun Virus Remover uses proactive technology to permanently remove autorun & autorun.inf viruses, also it can block those viruses trying to infect the system via USB flash drives.
Autorun Virus Remover

The USB Program

The USB Program is designed to help prevent computers being infected by autorun viruses. The program is loaded into system memory, and technically it automatically renames autorun.inf files on new device into autorun.inf_current date_time, and sets its attribute to “normal”, making it visible for the system. As a result, it isolates any infection.
The USB Program

Monday, October 21, 2013

How To Write A Simple Batch (.bat) File

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Batch files are the computer handyman’s way of getting things done. They can automate everyday tasks, shorten the required time to do something, and translate a complex process into something anyone could operate.
Since automation programs like AutoHotKey exist, many people have never written or taken the time to understand bat files, and many don’t even know what they do.
In this article, I’m going to show you how to write a simple batch file and present some basics that a user will need to understand when writing one. I’ll also provide you with a few resources for learning to write batch (.bat) files in case you’d like to go further.

Let’s say that you frequently have network issues; you’re constantly getting on the command prompt and typing in things like “ipconfig” and pinging Google to see what the problem is. After a while you realize that it would be a bit more efficient if you just wrote a simple BAT file, stuck it on your USB stick, and used it on the machines you troubleshoot.

Step 1: Create A BAT File

Create a new text document on your desktop. Double click the file – it should be blank inside. Now, go to file>save as, and in the “Save As” window, input a name for your BAT file and then add a “.bat” on the end (without the quotes). My file was named testBAT.bat, for instance.
Before hitting save we need make sure that Windows doesn’t stick the standard “.txt” ending on the end of our new file. To do this, change the filetype from “.txt” to “all files” as shown in the screenshot below. That’s it – hit save and close the file.
how to write a batch file

Step 2: Learn Some Quick Code

If you know how to run commands in the command prompt, you’ll be a wiz at creating BAT files because it’s the same language. All you’re doing is telling the command prompt what you want to put in through a file, rather than typing it every time you run the command prompt. This saves you time and effort; but it also allows you to put in some logic (like simple loops, conditional statements, etc. that procedural programming is capable of conceptually).
There are SEVEN simple commands I want to familiarize you with for this program. Commands are NOT case sensitive, so don’t worry about that.
TITLE - The Window name for the BAT file.
ECHO - the “print” statement for BAT files. Anything following the word ECHO will be displayed in the command prompt as text, on its own line.
ECHO OFF – BAT writers typically put this at the beginning of their files. It means that the program won’t show the command that you told it to run while it’s running – it’ll just run the command. I’d recommend that after you run this test program, you try removing this line from your code to see what happens.
PAUSE - This outputs the “press any key to continue…” message that you’ve seen all too many times. It’s helpful because it pauses the BAT file execution until the user tells it to go again. If you don’t put this in your program, everything will speed by and end before you can see it. People typically put this in BAT files to give the user a chance to review the material on the screen before continuing.
CLS - Clears the DOS window (helpful if things get too cluttered!).
IPCONFIG – Outputs a lot of network information into your DOS box (network admins have dreams solely based off this command).
PING - Pings an IP, letting you know if your computer was able to contact it. This command also returns the latency (ping time) and by default pings three times.

Step 3: Do Some Quick Logic

We need to plan our program out. Any good programmer will think about the general framework of their program before they dash into things – it prevents them from making logic mistakes that are hard to back out of.
For this program, we want to check the computer’s network/internet settings with an “ipconfig /all” command, and then review that information by giving the user time to read everything. Afterwards, we want to ping to figure out if we really truly have access to the internet. We’ll pause the program after this as well, because we want to know for sure that they saw it.  OK. Very simple program, very simple logic. Let’s write some code.

Step 4: Write Your BAT File

Right click your BAT file and click “edit” to bring up Notepad. The whole document should be blank – ready for some epic programmer input.
Rather than walking you line by line through the code (it’s extremely short) I’m going to use a code comment (example–   CODE  ::Comment) to let you know what we just did.I’m putting the actual code in bold to make things a bit easier to process.
———–Start Code———–
::CMD will no longer show us what command it’s executing(cleaner)
ECHO As a network admin, I’m getting tired of having to type these commands in! Hopefully, this saves me some time in the long run.
:: Print some text
:: Outputs tons of network information into the command prompt
:: Lets the user read the important network information
:: Ping google to figure out if we’ve got internet!
ECHO All done pinging Google.
::Print some text
:: Give the user some time to see the results. Because this is our last line, the program will exit and the command window will close once this line finishes.
———–End Code———–

Step 5: Run Your BAT File

Save the file you just coded (or copy/paste mine in, it will run as written), and double click it. Your output should be something like the screenshot below.
how to write a batch file
Congratulations! You’ve written a batch file successfully.
If you want to learn more about bat files, I’d recommend you check out the commands available to the language. From there, your best bet is to write your own, or follow more examples online. Feel free to comment here if you have a BAT-related question.
The most useful BAT I’ve made so far is one that allowed me to compile and run Java programs with a single command, saving me countless amounts of command typing in the long run (because I compile/run so often when programming). I’ve also made one that sets file associations up the way I want them when I plug in my flash drive to a PC – this makes it possible for my portable apps to be the default app right from the get-go with a new computer.
Have you written anything cool with BAT files before?


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