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Friday, September 2, 2011

What Are Websites Made Of ....

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The Internet is such an integral part of our lives nowadays, yet how much do we know about what’s occurring under the hood?
From the proliferation of web programming languages such as PHP, to the matter of data expansion, storage size, rate of growth of the Internet, and the amount of bandwidth required to serve the world’s Internet users, this infographic looks at what websites are made of.

What Are Websites Made Of? (Infographic)


صفحات مبعــثرة كسرت حاجز الصمـت لتحكي
متعة الحياة أن تعمل عملا لم يسبقك إليه أحد ولم يتوقعه الآخرون.................. Its just another way to unlock ur potential representing my internists with other. By sniffing the web u might see several info.,instructions and details. here i collect similar and simplify them to u, cutting out from my time, efforts even i create my unique posts